How to Get Putty Out of Hair: A Complete and Comprehensive Guide

If you or your child have ever played with putty, you know that it can be a lot of fun. However, it can also be a bit messy. One of the most common problems with putty is that it can get stuck in your hair. This can be frustrating and even a little scary, especially if you’re unsure how to get it out. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about getting putty out of hair, including what tools and products to use, and some tips and tricks to make the process easier.

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Understanding the Problem

Before we get into the details of how to get putty out of hair, let’s take a quick look at why it can be so difficult. Putty is made up of a mixture of ingredients, including silicone, oil, and wax. When putty gets stuck in your hair, it can be difficult to remove because it is sticky and tends to cling to the hair strands. Additionally, if the putty has been left in the hair for a while, it may harden and become even more difficult to remove.

How to Get Putty Out of Hair

What You’ll Need

To get putty out of hair, you’ll need a few basic supplies. These include:

  • A comb or brush
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Dish soap
  • Water
  • Scissors (if necessary)

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Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you have your supplies ready, let’s walk through the steps you’ll need to take to remove the putty from your hair.

Step 1: Assess the Situation

The first thing you need to do is assess the situation. Take a close look at the affected area of hair and determine how much putty is stuck in it, and how deeply it is embedded. This will help you determine how much time and effort you’ll need to spend on removing the putty.

Step 2: Apply Petroleum Jelly

Once you have assessed the situation, it’s time to start removing the putty. Begin by applying a generous amount of petroleum jelly to the affected area of hair. This will help to lubricate the hair strands and make it easier to remove the putty.

Step 3: Comb or Brush the Hair

Next, use a comb or brush to gently comb or brush the hair. Start at the tips of the hair and work your way up towards the scalp, being careful not to pull or tug too hard on the hair.

Step 4: Apply Rubbing Alcohol

If the petroleum jelly and combing/brushing haven’t removed all of the putties, you can try using rubbing alcohol. Apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol to a cotton ball or pad, and then rub it onto the affected area of hair. The alcohol will help to dissolve the putty and make it easier to remove.

Step 5: Rinse with Water and Dish Soap

Once you have removed as much of the putty as possible, rinse the affected area of hair with warm water and a small amount of dish soap. This will help to remove any remaining residue and leave the hair feeling clean and soft.

Step 6: Cut if Necessary

If the putty is deeply embedded in the hair and you are unable to remove it with the steps outlined above, you may need to cut the affected hair. Use sharp scissors to carefully cut the hair as close to the scalp as possible. Be sure to cut only the affected hair, and not any healthy hair strands.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to keep in mind when trying to get putty out of hair:

  • Use a hair dryer on low heat to soften the putty and make it easier to remove.
  • Avoid using hot water, as this can cause the putty to harden and become even more difficult to remove.
  • Don’t pull or tug too hard on the hair, which can cause damage and breakage.
  • If you’re having trouble removing the putty, try using a wide-toothed comb or brush to gently detangle the hair.
  • If you’re working with a child, try distracting them with a toy or game to make the process easier.
  • Always use caution when using scissors near the scalp. If you’re uncomfortable cutting the hair yourself, consider taking your child to a professional stylist.


Getting putty out of hair can be a frustrating experience, but with the right tools and techniques, it doesn’t have to be. Remember to assess the situation, apply petroleum jelly, comb or brush the hair, apply rubbing alcohol if necessary, rinse with water and dish soap, and cut the hair only as a last resort. By following these steps and tips, you can safely and effectively remove the putty from your hair.

Read also: How to Get Silly Putty Out of Hair: A Comprehensive Guide

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